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Required forms & documents for Spending Categories (Phase funding ONLY)


The administrative allowance for the EFSP was established by the National Board for use by Local Boards and Local Recipient Organizations (LROs) to help defray the costs of administering this program.

Mass Shelter

The Mass Shelter category is intended to allow mass shelter providers (five beds or more in one location) to provide on-site housing for eligible clients. An agency must be awarded funds under mass shelter by the Local Board in order to have expenditures under the Mass Shelter category.

Other Food

The Other Food category is intended to allow agencies such as food pantries and food banks to pay for the purchase of food items, food vouchers and food gift cards/certificates to assist in the feeding of eligible clients.

Other Shelter

The Other Shelter category is intended to allow agencies to provide off-site emergency housing of eligible clients. Agencies may not operate as vendors for themselves or other LROs; self-billing is not eligible with this funding.

Rental & Mortgage Assistance

The Rent/Mortgage category is intended to allow agencies to pay a one-month amount of rent or mortgage for qualifying clients. Each household may receive this assistance only once per spending period.

Served Meals

The Served Meals category is intended to allow mass feeding facilities to pay for the purchase of food items, items used to prepare and serve food, and other food-related items to assist in the mass feeding of eligible clients. Your agency must be awarded funds under mass feeding by your Local Board in order to have expenditures under the Served Meals category.

Utility Assistance

The Utilities category is intended to allow agencies to pay a one-month billed amount of a metered (electric, gas, water) or non-metered (propane, firewood, coal) utility bill for qualifying clients. Each household may receive this assistance only once per spending period.

Mileage Log