EFSP Phase 42

Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) Funding Notice for Phase 42

The Austin/Travis & Williamson Counties Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) Board has received $793,575 in federal funds made available through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ Federal Emergency Management Agency under the Emergency Food and Shelter Program. Phase 42 spending period begin and end dates have not yet been determined by the National Board.

Proposal Information:
Phase 42 Application Instructions
Phase 42 Application (Cover Form, Budget, and Narrative)
Submit Complete Applications here

Other Information:
Recording of the 1/31/25 Bidder’s Conference
Slides from the 1/31/25 Bidder’s Conference
Phase 42 Q&A

The deadline for applications is Friday, February 21, 2025 at 5:00 pm.

The funds will be granted to private nonprofits or units of government who are eligible to receive federal funds and have the capacity to manage federal grants and deliver eligible services. Funds must be used to supplement and extend services to serve permanent residents of and transients within Travis and Williamson Counties, Texas.
Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must:
1) be private voluntary nonprofits or units of government,
2) be eligible to receive Federal funds,
3) have an accounting system,
4) practice nondiscrimination,
5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and
6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board.

Qualifying agencies are encouraged to apply!

The Local Board will determine how the funds are to be awarded.

Questions? Reach out to Kelley Abell at kelleya@woollardnicholstorres.com or (737) 295-0873.